Your Road Map to Publishing Success

From draft to bestseller, the path is clearer with Indie Author Retreat—a transformative experience that provides the road map you need to navigate the exciting yet complex world of publishing and marketing.

Our exclusive weekend of workshops and master classes features a lineup of industry experts who will guide you through the entire journey. From honing the craft of writing to mastering the intricacies of publishing, marketing, and pitching your book, you’ll gain the actionable strategies needed to turn your writing into a bestseller.

Is the Indie Author Retreat right for you?

Whether you’re a seasoned author with a bookshelf full of published works or a passionate writer just dipping your toes into the publishing world, the Indie Author Retreat has something for you.

Sharpen your skills

Learn from the best in the  business and take your writing to the next level

Gain valuable knowledge

Discover the secrets to successful self-publishing, from marketing to distribution

Forge connections

Build a network with published authors who understand your journey

The Indie Author Retreat goes beyond education. It fosters a supportive and collaborative environment where you can pitch your book to agents and editors, connect with fellow authors, share experiences, and build lasting relationships that will propel you forward on your journey.

Join us and turn your blank page into a bestseller!